Desert Debates

Imagine that you are travelling across the desert with a group of 100 people.  You have plenty of food and water for everyone, and you have tents to shelter in at night.

What kinds of problems might your group face?   What rules might you need to ensure that everyone arrives safely at their destination?  What might happen if we didn't make rules for everyone to follow?

This was our challenge this afternoon in 3V...  The children worked small groups to come up with five different rules to help the group cross the desert safely.  There was a lot of healthy debate about what the rules should be!

In our RE lessons this half term, we have been looking at Right and Wrong.  This afternoon, we looked at the Ten Commandments, which the Bible tells us were given to Moses as he led the Israelites on their exodus from Egypt.

Having devised their own set of rules, the children compared these with the Ten Commandments, before trying to put the Commandments into order of priority.  There was a lot of very interesting discussion as they tried to agree which rules were the most (and least) important.

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