Christmas Carousel

In our RE lessons this half term, we have begun to look at the Christian festival of Christmas.  Many of the children in class celebrate Christmas with their families and friends, so it is a very familiar celebration for them.

We began last week by sharing our own experiences of Christmas with the class, and soon discovered that, although  most of us celebrate Christmas, we don't do everything in the same way - different families have different traditions which they follow at Christmas time.

This week, we had a look at some different artefacts associated with Christmas, and worked in table groups to discuss how a Christian might use these as part of their faith and practice at Christmas time.  The first item was a huge Christmas gift!  The children were able to explain that we give presents at Christmas to reflect the gifts brought by the three kings to the infant Jesus.  Mrs Vaqueiro also explained that Christians believe that Jesus himself was a gift to the world from God.  We then unwrapped the present: inside there was a star decoration, an advent candle, a Christmas card, an advent calendar and a Christmas pudding, all of which prompted a lot of discussion as the children tried to spot and explain links to the Nativity story.  

We then considered whether a person had to be a Christian in order to enjoy using the different items: the answer was a resounding "No!"

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