Friday 18th September - Work for children in Self-Isolation

Good morning!

I hope you are still keeping safe and well at home!  It's Friday today, which can mean only one thing... Big Writing!  Here is an outline of the work that we will be doing today in school.  Various resources can be found in the Year 3 Home Learning Resources Folder. 


For our Big Writing this week we are retelling the the story of Bob, the Man on the Moon and describing both Bob himself and a typical day in his life.  Try to use the word of the week, initially, in your writing if you can, and focus on using the time openers that we practised during the week to help sequence your ideas.  Don't forget to include plenty of exciting WOW Words as well as making sure your work is neatly presented, with all the right punctuation.

In school we write for an hour, and if you are well enough, I would like you to try to do this at home.  We normally listen to some gentle classical music while we write, and there is definitely no talking during Big Writing: this is your chance to work independently to show off everything you have learnt this week, so really challenge yourself and do your very best to retell Bob's story.


In maths, we are practising adding 1, 10 and 100 again: there are some worksheets for you to tackle.  There are three different challenge levels for you to try: remember to choose work that is tricky, without being completely impossible.  If you're not sure, start with the easiest level and move on if you find it too simple.


We have PE on Fridays! It's quite tricky to recreate Mr Thompson's PE lessons at home, so instead, try to do something active today for 45 minutes.  If your parents are happy for you to use YouTube (under supervision) you could try one of the Joe Wicks workouts that proved so popular during lockdown.  Alternatively, you could try some of the Just Dance routines that are also on YouTube (these were very popular in my Keyworker group during the summer term!).


In our Humanities lessons at the moment we are learning about the Ancient Egyptians.  This week we are looking at the importance of the River Nile to Egypt both today and in ancient times.  There are resources in the folder to support your studies, and you could also watch this clip. If you need an extra challenge, have a go at finding the River Nile on a map or globe.  Where does it begin?  Where does it end?  How many different countries does it pass through on its journey to the sea?

Please send scanned copies or photos of your completed work to the school office (email: ) so that I can have a look at it.

That's all for this week!  Have a wonderful weekend - you deserve it!

Mrs Vaqueiro

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