Tuesday 22nd September - Work for children in Self-Isolation

Good morning!

I hope you are feeling well enough to study at home today.  I have put the resources to support today's learning in the Year 3 Home Learning Resources folder on the Google Drive.  When you have completed your work, please send it to the office via email so that I can have a look at it.  It is really helpful if you can send your work in daily so that I can check that you have understood the tasks properly.

These are the activities I would like you to complete today:


We are continuing our work on the Moontree Mystery story today, and I will be teaching the class a new skill: how to use a thesaurus.  A thesaurus is a bit like a dictionary, except that instead of just explaining what words mean, it offers lots of different words with the same meaning (synonyms).  You can use a thesaurus to help you uplevel boring words in a sentence.  If you have a thesaurus at home, you can practise using it to uplevel the words on your sheet.  If you don't have a thesaurus at home, you can use an online thesaurus to do the same thing.  

When you have uplevelled all the words on the thesaurus activity sheet, try to uplevel yesterday's sentences using your new vocabulary.  Write the sentences out afresh and see how much you can improve them.


In maths we are continuing our work on place value, ordering numbers to 1000.  I have put a copy of my teaching slides in the resources folder to support you.  As you put the numbers into ascending order, try to unpick your thinking process: how do you know that one number is bigger than another?  What are you looking for?  Although this might be something that comes naturally to you, it's helpful for you to understand the skill that your brain is learning and using, as it will make maths much easier for you in the future!

When you come to answer the questions I have given you, please take the time to explain your answers fully.  If you show me your working out, and explain your thinking, I can help you to develop your understanding further, and nip any misconceptions in the bud.


In music we are continuing our work on rhythm and notation.  Last week we found the pulse in different songs and compared them.  This week we will be looking at how music is written on a stave, and finding out about the different types of notes: particularly crotchets, quavers and breves.  Can you find out what these terms mean?


In our art lessons with artbase this afternoon we will be starting work on our Egyptian pictures for our autumn corridor display.  We will be practising blending watercolours to make a sunset background for our paintings.  If you have paints at home, you could practise using warm colours such as red, orange and yellow and blending these together to make a sunset background.  There is a tutorial here which will demonstrate the technique.

Mrs Vaqueiro

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