Hindu Temple Visit

Year 3 were enormously privileged to be invited to visit the Shree Hindu Community Centre in Birmingham this week, as part of their studies of the Hindu faith in RE lessons.

The magnificent temple was a real feast for the senses, with its lavish decorations and fascinating artefacts.  The children were lucky enough to be able to watch a ceremony taking place in the temple during their visit, and were also given a guided tour by temple volunteers.  

It was a truly memorable day!

Cracking the Code

In our history lessons this half term, we have been learning all about life in Ancient Egypt.  

Today, we looked at Ancient Egyptian writing.  We learnt that the Ancient Egyptians used different symbols to represent words and letters of the alphabet, and these were called hieroglyphs.

We learnt that, for many centuries, the meaning of hieroglyphic writing was a mystery, as there was nobody still alive who could understand the symbols.  However, in 1799, an incredible stone artefact was uncovered in the Nile Delta, which helped archaeologists to translate the ancient writing.  It was called the Rosetta Stone.

This afternoon, the children had a go at using their own mini Rosetta Stone to translate some hieroglyphic messages into English.  Then, they wrote and decorated their own names in Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics.

If you'd like to have a go at cracking the Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic code, here's a copy of our 'Rosetta Stone' and the secret messages that the children had to translate!  Perhaps you could have a go at writing your own name too - it's trickier than it looks!


Class 3V were celebrating last week's almost perfect attendance this morning when they won the coveted Attendance Award during assembly.  Everyone enjoyed a Malteser or two as they completed their Big Writing - Mrs Vaqueiro is sure that the extra energy boost will have resulted in some super work!

Comparing Values

In our Maths lessons we have been reviewing Place Value, looking at how 3 digit numbers can be made.  This morning, we refreshed our memories about the < > and = symbols, and used the Base Ten resources to make different two and three digit numbers to compare.


Hello and welcome to Class 3V's blog for the academic year 2018-19!

We will be using the Blog to record all the different exciting lessons and activities that we have in Year 3.  We look forward to sharing them with you as we go up, up and away in Key Stage 2!

Mrs Vaqueiro