English - w/b Monday 3rd October 2022

For our English work over the next two weeks, we will be drawing on the knowledge we have gained in our recent history lessons in order to write a factual report all about Ancient Egypt.

In order to support your child at home, you could:

1.      Practise using the word of the week, fascinatingly

2.    Think about how information is presented in non-fiction text, focusing on organisational devices such as subheaded paragraphs and glossaries.  Why are these used?  How do they help the reader?

3.     Talk to your child about what life might have been like in Ancient Egypt.  You could explore some of the BBC Bitesize resources online here.

Any work that your child completes at home can be used to support their literacy work in class.

Thank you.

Mrs Vaqueiro 


Reasoning and Problem Solving in Maths - Column Addition

This week the children in 3V have learnt a new method for solving addition questions: column addition!  They have been very quick to grasp the basics and were soon able to solve trickier addition questions using exchanges. These were modelled first using concrete resources, before the children moved on to using the formal written method.

By Friday, they were so confident with the method that they were ready to 'Be the Teacher' and work together in pairs to identify mistakes in given addition problems, by solving the questions themselves using the column method, and comparing their method and results with the examples.  They were very quick to spot mistakes and explain them in their pairs!


English - w/b Monday 19th September 2022

For our English work this week, we will be making a detailed study of ‘Meerkat Mail’ by Emily Gravett.  

You can watch a version of the story here:  Meerkat Mail Story

In order to support your child at home, you could:

1. Practise using the word of the week, arid

2. Find out all about meerkats in the wild.  Where do they live?  What is it like there?

3. Think about and discuss how the main character, Sunny, feels at the different stages of the story.

Any work that your child completes at home can be used to support their English work in class.

Thank you.

Mrs Vaqueiro 

RE - Introduction to Hinduism

As part of our RE studies in Year 3, we begin to explore aspects of the Hindu faith.  This week in 3V, we have been discussing the idea that one person can have many different roles, but still be the same person inside.  For example, you might be a son or daughter, a brother or sister, a cousin or a friend, a footballer or a gymnast, or take on any other combination of different roles - but you will still be YOU!

To reflect our understanding that a person may have many different roles, we created some cubes showing different aspects of our characters.  We have used them to create a mini-RE display in the classroom.

Here are some of the children with their creations.

Welcome to 3V!

Welcome to 3V's blog for the academic year 2022-2023!  

We have had a wonderful first day in 3V today!  Mrs Greaves and I were delighted to welcome the children into the classroom this morning, ready to start their adventures in Key Stage 2.  It was great to see so much enthusiasm and excitement about returning to school!

We have had a busy day, getting our bearings in the classroom and getting to know our new routines, and the children have really risen to the challenge.

We can't wait to begin our adventures together in Year 3, and we will be sharing some of our activities and achievements on this blog, so do keep checking back for updates!

Mrs Vaqueiro