School's Out for Summer!

School's out for summer!  

We have had a wonderful year - certainly it has been one that we shall never forget, given all that has happened.  

Children - you should all be extremely proud of yourselves.  I certainly could not be any prouder of you.  You rose to every single challenge thrown at you, from staying in 'bubbles' at school to studying remotely at home, and you did it all with patience, strength and cheerful smiles.  Although some of the restrictions must have seemed quite trying at times, we also managed to have a lot of fun and laughter along the way.

Mrs Sanders and I have been absolutely overwhelmed by your kindness and generosity, and we will treasure all the cards and gifts that you kindly sent in for us - thank you all so much.  

It only remains for me to wish you the happiest of summer holidays.  Enjoy the sunshine, and the freedom - but do stay safe and well.  I look forward to seeing you all again in the Autumn when you will be in 4F!

Mrs Vaqueiro