Literacy Work w/b Monday 29th November 2021
For our literacy work over the next two weeks, we will be continuing our work on 'The Firework Maker's Daughter' by Philip Pullman.
In our reading lessons, we will be focusing on the use of figurative language, including onomatopoeia and personification, and how it can be used to enhance description.
At the end of the two week period, we will be writing an additional chapter for the book, and this will be the focus of the writing element of our literacy lessons. We will be looking at how a narrative piece is structured, and how to develop ideas through carefully chosen description.
Our ‘missing chapter’ will tell the (imagined) back story of the character, Razvani. You can watch an excerpt from the story, featuring Razvani, here.
In order to support your child at home, you could:
1. Practise using our word of the week, thunderous.
2. Try to imagine how Razvani came to live in Mount Merapi. Could he have been tricked and trapped by another Fire Fiend? Perhaps he tried to steal the Royal Sulphur and is imprisoned in the volcano as a punishment?
Any work that is completed at home can be used to support your child's work in school.
Many thanks,
Mrs Vaqueiro