Parliament Week

Schools across the UK are marking Parliament Week this week with different activities to promote children's understanding of democracy and the role of the government.

At Swan Lane, children have been involved in their own democratic election.  Some money has been set aside for improvements to the school facilities, and Mrs Roberts has asked for the children's help in deciding how the money should be spent.  There are three possible projects to choose from: 
  • to update the adventure playground with a new piece of equipment; or
  • to create a brand new nature trail in the school grounds; or
  • to replace the stage lighting with something a little more state-of-the-art.
Teams of older children in Years 4 and 5 have helped to bring the electoral process to life by holding 'hustings' during assembly, promoting their chosen project with gusto in the hope of attracting votes for their preferred option from the rest of the children.

Today was election day, and every child in school was able to cast their vote for their chosen project.  The votes were counted, and Mrs Hurst confirmed that the winning project was...

The adventure playground!

(Almost nobody was surprised!)

With the results announced, the children spent time in their PSHE lessons creating their dream design for the winning project.

Here are the votes from 3V being placed carefully in the ballot box!

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