Good morning everyone!
Here we are, on the last day of the summer term, in what has been the strangest of school years - what a rollercoaster ride it's been!
You have been amazing in adapting to all the changes this year has thrown at you! Lockdown has been tough for everyone, but especially so for children, and I know how much you will all have missed seeing your friends every day at school. You have shown great resilience in coping with the new routines, and I could not be any prouder of you all. I have loved being your teacher this year: hopefully you've learnt a lot, and had a lot of fun along the way - it's just a shame that our time together in the classroom was cut short.
I would also like to say a huge 'thank you' to your parents and carers, who have done such a brilliant job in helping you with your home learning in very strange and trying circumstances. I know it cannot have been easy to juggle childcare, home schooling and your own work responsibilities, and I very much hope that you and your families will be able to enjoy a more restful few weeks over the summer.
Normally, in the summer term, we would have a full class photo taken as a keepsake of your time in Year 3. Since we weren't able to have that this year, I've had a go at making a cartoon version on the computer - can you spot yourself? I have printed out a copy for everyone and it will be waiting for you at school when you come back in the autumn (and it has people's names on the back, so you can work out who everyone is!).
It only remains for me to wish you all a wonderful, and hopefully healthy, summer holiday - I will look forward to seeing you all in school again in September, when you will be with Mr Forrester in 4F!
My very best wishes to you all,
Mrs Vaqueiro
PS As it's the last day, I've recorded a video message for you, which I hope will have uploaded correctly!