Fossil Hunting - 50 Things to do at Swan Lane First School

As part of our wider programme of enrichment activities at Swan Lane, we aim to provide the children with 50 different experiences which we hope will be memorable, fun and worthwhile, for a host of different reasons.  Some of them are linked to our studies, some of them involve serving our wider community, and some of them we enjoy just for fun!

One of Year 3's '50 Things...' is to go on a Fossil Hunt.  This links back to our 'Rocks and Soils' topic from the Autumn term - and we have been waiting for what seems like forever for the weather to be kind enough to let us do it!  On Friday, we were finally able to head outside to see how many fossils we could spot within the school grounds.  You might not expect there to be many fossils so close at hand... but you might therefore be surprised!

Once you know what to look for, it's perfectly possible to find an astonishing number of rocks containing fossil fragments in amongst the soil and stones beneath our feet.  We headed outside with our friends in 3W to prove it...

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