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TT Rockstars
Science - Marvellous Magnets!
This afternoon in 3V we kicked off our new Science topic, investigating Forces and Magnets.
We learnt some new vocabulary and found out that magnets have both a north and a south pole. We experimented with the magnets and discovered that opposite poles attract each other, while like poles repel each other.
We had lots of fun identifying magnetic fields using iron filings and discovering that some metal objects can become magnetised through contact with a magnet.
This is always a really popular topic for our Year 3 children, and this year seems to be no exception!
Geography - Mapwork
This afternoon in 3V we have been exploring different maps of Italy to find out how different maps can provide us with different information about a country. We looked at a wide range of examples, from a simple outline, to a tourist map, to a topographical map.
Once we had compared all the maps, we looked more closely to see how many different geographical features we could spot. We learnt that hills and mountains are shown by variation in colour on the map, and we used a key to locate other features, such as rivers, lakes and even volcanoes!
We then created our own maps of Italy, labelling the different features and devising our own keys to the symbols we had chosen to use for each geographical feature.
Finally, we looked at a map of the UK and compared it with the Italian map, in order to spot similarities and differences between the two.
Geography - Compass Points and Grid References
This half term, our new Geography topic is 'Europe Explored!' We will be finding out all about this diverse and fascinating continent of ours. Last week, we reminded ourselves about all seven of the world's continents, and this week we have been looking more closely at maps.
We learnt how using compass points and 4-figure grid references can help us to describe locations on a map, and applied our new learning by completing some group challenges with a giant map of the UK. We then completed some individual work in our books in order to practise our new skills.
English Work - w/b Monday 13th March 2023
For next week’s English work we will be continuing our work on ‘The Iron Man’ by Ted Hughes. We will be writing a set of instructions describing how to build a trap to catch the Iron Man.
It would be helpful if you could discuss and practise the following with your child:
· using the word of the week ‘ensnare’
· using imperative (bossy) verbs to instruct someone to do something
· practise sequencing events by using different adverbial expressions relating to time e.g. First, Next, Eventually, Finally etc
Thank you,
Mrs Vaqueiro
PSHE - Healthy Me!
For PSHE this half term, Year 3 are exploring the topic 'Healthy Me.' We are finding out about some of the healthier - and less healthy - lifestyle choices that we might make, and discovering what impact those choices might have on our health and wellbeing.
This week, we have been looking at different foods.
As a class, we explored what makes a food a more or a less healthy choice - there was a lot of interesting discussion about whether some foods can be healthy in some ways but less healthy in other ways. We concluded that we can all enjoy all different kinds of foods - but it was important to get the balance right to make sure that our bodies continued to work properly and have all the nutrients and energy they need.
All the children knew that fresh fruit and vegetables were really healthy food choices, but when it came to looking at packaged foods, it was trickier to decide. We looked at food labelling, and discovered that it was sometimes rather confusing to navigate. The nutrition labels on the different packets we looked at were all presented in different ways, so we had to be really careful to read them properly. We had a discussion about why manufacturers might want to make this information less than clear to shoppers.
Finally, the children did some group work, discussing and ordering different foods according to their sugar content. When the answers were revealed, there were some surprises - some foods which might seem like healthier choices were actually packed with sugar!
RE - Palm Sunday
This half term for RE, we are exploring another aspect of Christianity, and finding out why Christians call the day that Jesus died 'Good Friday.'
We will be building on our learning from Year 2, and exploring the events of Holy Week in more detail. This week, we reminded ourselves of the story of Palm Sunday, and enjoyed role playing Jesus' arrival in Jerusalem. We thought about how Jesus and His followers might have felt as He rode through the cheering crowds, and how those who disagreed with Jesus' message might have felt.
World Book Day
Swan Lane celebrated World Book Day in style on Thursday 2nd March, with staff and pupils attending school in fancy dress and participating in different reading challenges and and sharing books throughout the day.
Our theme this year was 'Words' and children and staff were asked to dress up as a Word - some of the outfits were ingenious! Children in each class then contributed to a class dictionary, so that all the words and their meanings were put into a delightful keepsake, which will be displayed in the school library.
Many children entered the 'Extreme Reading' competition, being spotted reading in a variety of weird and wonderful places, and everyone participated in shared reading with children from another Key Stage. In the afternoon, we took the learning outside and children took part in a reading trail to solve clues and crack the secret code.
It was a thoroughly enjoyable day, and a wonderful opportunity to share our love of books and reading together.