We have been celebrating Healthy Living Week at Swan Lane with a variety of different activities to promote healthier lifestyle choices.
All through the week, the children have been doing a daily 5 minute exercise routine in the classroom, as well as keeping their minds healthy through daily meditation and mindfulness. In addition, Mr Thompson has been leading the children in a ten minute lunchtime run every day. Many of the children have seen their distance improve in the space of just five days!
Children from the Year 4 Healthy Living Group came to visit the children on Wednesday to talk about the importance and benefits of eating a variety of different vegetables, and we all sampled a rainbow of different veggies before voting for our favourite. It was a close call, but 3V's favourite veg turned out to be the trusty carrot. Year 4 also led a carousel of activities in the hall, showing the children how to make healthier food choices and looking at how much sugar is contained in some everyday foods and drinks.
On Thursday, we had a visit from Mrs Rees, the dietitian, who explained how different kinds of vegetables contain different vitamins and minerals, which help to keep our bodies in top condition.
Finally, we have all been busy creating Healthy Living Posters for a school-wide competition - watch this space to find out the winners!
Five minutes of exercise in the classroom! |
A rainbow of different veggies to try. |
Some of the veggies were an acquired taste... |