Tuesday 15th September - Work for children in self-isolation

Good morning!

I hope you are keeping safe and well at home.  These are the activities that I would like you to complete while you are in self-isolation, as long as you are well enough to do them. I have started a new folder on the Google Drive and will put activities in the folder every day for you to access.  You can find the folder here: Year 3 Home Learning Resources.


In Literacy, we are continuing our work on the story of Bob, the Man on the Moon.  You can watch the story online to refresh your memory about the events of Bob’s day – there is a link here.

Yesterday, we wrote a list of the different things that Bob does every day – such as waking up early, eating two delicious eggs for breakfast, and heading off to the launchpad to fly his dazzling, colourful rocket to the moon. 

Today we are looking at uplevelling our simple sentences to include time (or sequential) openers which will help the reader to understand the order in which the events of Bob’s day happened.

We are trying to use our Word of the Week – initially – to begin our first sentence.  Can you use a dictionary (or an internet search if your parents/carers supervise you) to find out what it means?

Please then complete the sentences to describe Bob’s day, using the sequential openers to make sure you put the events in the right order.


Today we are also doing a quick punctuation exercise to correct some silly sentences.  If you have a printer at home you could print these out and correct them (we used a purple pen in school – maybe you could use a thin felt tip or a biro at home?) – otherwise, you could write them out correctly at home.  How many different mistakes can you spot?


In maths we are looking at different number lines to support our understanding of the numbers up to 1000.  I have put some worksheet resources in the Google drive for you to try.


In PSHE we are looking at the ways in which we can help to stop the spread of coronavirus.  Think about all the different things we are doing at home and at school to keep ourselves and other people healthy – such as washing our hands often and trying to keep socially distanced from other people.  There is a sheet for you to complete with your ideas.


This afternoon the ladies from Artbase will be supporting the children in school to improve the self portraits that you started last week.  Can you draw a self portrait?  Look carefully at the details and try to add some shading to enhance your picture.

Mrs Vaqueiro

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