Wednesday 23rd September - Work for children in Self-Isolation

Good morning!

I hope you are feeling well enough to tackle some new challenges today!  Please make sure you send your completed work via email to the school office every day, so that I can check you have understood everything properly.


In our literacy lesson today we will be practising using higher level conjunctions such as therefore, however and as well as in place of so, but and and. Have a look through my teaching slides and then complete one of the worksheets provided.  There are two challenge levels, so be sure to choose the right one for you.


In maths, we are practising counting in 5s and 50s.  If you can count in 5s, you can count in 50s - you just need to remember that the numbers are worth ten times as much!  Once you've worked through the slides, have a go at the exploration tasks I have included for you.  Make sure you explain your answers fully so that I can check you have really understood the concepts.


In DT we will be working on the initial designs for our juggling balls.  Have a look through the slides I've included for you, and then come up with three different designs for your juggling balls.  Check the success criteria carefully to make sure you have fully met the requirements for each of your designs.


In PSHE we are exploring what it means to feel anxious. How does anxiety affect people?  What might it feel like to be anxious?  Why might someone feel anxious?  Once we have discussed this as a class, we will be exploring different ways to calm down and feel less anxious, including different mindfulness techniques.  In school we use mindfulness meditation to help calm our anxieties.  I like to use the 'Peace Out' series of meditations which are designed especially to help children relax.  You can try the first in the series by following this link.

Mrs Vaqueiro

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