Hello! I hope you are keeping safe and well at home. Here are the activities that we have completed in school today. You can find copies of the resources in the 3V Home Learning Folder. You can print these at home if you have access to a printer, otherwise please complete the work as best you can in your home learning book.
In literacy, we have begun work on our information texts about our favourite books. Have a look at my example text about Fantastic Mr Fox. What do you notice about how the text is set out?
The key feature of an information text is that the facts are organised into subheaded paragraphs - so, for example, all the information about the characters in the book would be in a section headed 'Characters.' This helps the reader to find information quickly.
Today, we have been writing a summary of the book as a whole, being careful not to give away too much information, especially about any plot twists at the end (we don't want to spoil the book for anyone!). Focus on the following:
1. Who - who is the main character in the book?
2. What - what does the character do, or want to do, in the story?
3. Where - where does the story take place?
4. When - when does the story take place (roughly speaking)?
5. How - how does the main character overcome his/her problem (without giving too much away)?
You don't need to write a huge amount for each part; a couple of sentences will do. Then, put it all together to make your summary.
Today is Big Maths day! Please complete the Beat That sheet within 60 seconds and have a go at the CLIC sheet. If you cannot print these, please write the questions out in your book so I can work out which is which when I mark them.
It was Diwali over the weekend, and Hindus around the world have been celebrating this special time of year. Find out a little about how Diwali is celebrated using the resources provided, and then design a diva lamp, explaining how and why these are used at Diwali time.
That's all for today; I will upload tomorrow's work in the morning. Once you have completed your work for today, please send copies into the school office by email if you possibly can. If you have any queries or need any support, please let school know and I will be in touch as soon as I can.
Best wishes
Mrs Vaqueiro