Big Writing - w/b Monday 30th November 2020

For this week’s Big Writing, we will be continuing our work on ‘The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe,’ focusing on a character description of the evil White Witch.

It would be useful if you could discuss and practise the following with your child:

· Using the word of the week, baleful

· Talking about the White Witch’s appearance and what she is like as a  person.

· Thinking about how you might feel if you were to meet the White Witch.


Thank you,                                                               

Mrs Vaqueiro


Literacy: Describing Narnia as a Setting

The children in 3V had a surprise this week when their classroom underwent an overnight transformation, immersing them in the wintry wonderland of Narnia.  Using a clip from the most recent adaptation of  'The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe' as a stimulus, the children have been imagining what it would be like to discover a magical land of ice and snow.

The children have taken very enthusiastically to the story (which we are reading together at the moment in class) and have made amazing contributions to our working wall, which they can use to support their Big Writing tomorrow.

Tuesday 24th November 2020 - Work for Children in Self-Isolation

Good morning!

If you are at home in self-isolation, you can now find work set daily for you on the Purple Mash website.  You will need to use your login details (which were sent home in a letter last week) in order to access the site. If you do not have your login details handy at home, please contact the school office and we will arrange to send them to you.

Work does need to be completed and submitted daily, if you are well enough to do it. If you have any difficulty in accessing the site, or need some support with the tasks, then please contact the school office and I will give you a call after school.

Best wishes

Mrs Vaqueiro

Rock Hunting

3V braved the late autumn chill this afternoon for a bracing stroll around the school grounds in search of different rocks, for part of our science work this half term.  We didn't have to venture far from the classroom to find a number of different specimens - there was a huge variety to be seen and collected.  

We found limestone, granite, sandstone, flint, slate and a number of other less easily-identifiable rocks, as well as an impressive number of fossils!


Big Writing - w/b Monday 23rd November 2020

 week’s Big Writing is a setting description of the snowy woodland in Narnia, from ‘The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe’ by C.S. Lewis.

You may find it helpful to watch a clip from the film:

It would be useful if you could discuss and practise the following with your child:

· Using the word of the week, ‘flurry’

· Talking about the features of the snowy scene (swirling snowflakes, glistening icicles)

· Thinking of positional language, e.g. Underfoot, up above, nestled in the treetops, etc.

· Using similes for description, e.g. as soft as icing sugar

Thank you,                                                               

Mrs Vaqueiro 


Friday 20th November 2020 - Work for Children in Self-Isolation

Good morning!

I hope you are still keeping safe and well at home.  Here are your challenges for today...


Since it's Friday, it's time to do your Big Writing. This week, we are writing an Information Text about our favourite book.  We are aiming for:

  • Work organised into paragraphs with subheadings
  • Capital letters and full stops for every sentence
  • A short summary, description of the characters and explanation of why you chose the book.
You can use your work from earlier in the week to support you.  Try to find somewhere quiet, if you can, to complete your Big Writing.  You could play some gentle music in the background while you write.  Please complete the Big Write in your Home Learning book, and bring it back into school when you come back.


In maths, we are following the White Rose scheme.  You should watch this video and then complete the questions on the sheet.  The resources are in the 3V Home Learning Folder for you to use.


In Geography, we are continuing our work on volcanoes.  This week, we are completing a case study of the eruption of Mt St Helens, which took place in 1980.  Have a look at my lesson slides, and watch this video to help you find out more about what happened.  In my lesson slides, there are pictures of Mt St Helens before and after the eruption: you can find out what the area looks like now by viewing Google Earth.  Once you've done some research, complete the mapwork by colouring the key and the map to show the effect of the eruption (shown on the final slide) and then answer the questions.  If you don't have a printer, you won't be able to complete the map work, but you can still answer the questions.  Remember to write in full sentences please!

That's all for this week - have a great weekend, and I will hope to see you back in school very soon!

Best wishes

Mrs Vaqueiro

Thursday 19th November 2020 - Work for Children in Self Isolation

Good morning!

I hope you are keeping safe and well at home!  Here are your challenges for today...


Watch the video lesson here and then complete the worksheet which accompanies it - the resources you need are in the 3V Home Learning Folder as usual.


For literacy, we will be planning our Big Write for tomorrow.  Review all the work you have written so far this week, and use it to help you complete your plan.  


For computing this week we have been beginning to learn to use the language of computers, which is called Code.  We began to complete the Hour of Code challenge created by the creators of the game Minecraft.  You can find the link to the unit here.  You will need to watch the video introduced by Jens first, and then work your way through some of the challenges.  Have fun!

That's all for today - take care, and keep working hard at home!

Best wishes

Mrs Vaqueiro

Hour of Code

This week in school we have been learning about the language of computers, which is called Code.  The children have been using a package developed by the creators of the game Minecraft to develop their understanding of how computers operate.

There are a series of increasingly difficult challenges, with lots of problems to solve.  You can practise at home by clicking on this link, which will take you to the tutorial video.  Once you've watched the video, you can have a go at coding!  Have fun!

Wednesday 18th November 2020 - Work for Children in Self Isolation

Good morning!

I hope you are keeping safe and well at home.  Here are your challenges for today - resources can be found in the 3V Resources Drive as always.


Watch the lesson video here and then complete the worksheet.  If you don't have a printer, then write the answers in your book, but please make sure you number them so I can mark them!


We are continuing work on our Information Text about a favourite book.  Today, we will be giving our opinion of the book and explaining why we like it so much.  Try to include plenty of detail, without giving away the ending of your story.  For example, if I were writing about the Twits, I might say:

'The Twits is one of the funniest books I have ever read, and I would recommend it wholeheartedly to anyone who loves to read!  From the very first page, Roald Dahl makes you laugh out loud at his hilarious descriptions of Mr Twit's disgusting beard, and the outrageous pranks that he and his revolting wife play on each other. As the story continues, you long to find out whether Mr and Mrs Twit get the comeuppance they so richly deserve...'

Make a first draft of your paragraph, and then review and edit it.  Be honest with yourself - can you find any areas to improve?


For our science lesson, we will be learning about different kinds of rocks.  In school, we will be looking at the different kinds of rocks we can find all around us.  If you are well enough, and have access to a garden, you could have a look at any rocks and stones that you might find outside.  You should also complete this lesson from Oak Academy.  You will need to complete the work in your books - you won't need any special equipment other than your pencil, a ruler and your work book.

That's all for today.  Don't forget to send in photos or scans of any completed work, by email to the school office.  If you need any support or help, please do get in touch with me.

Best wishes

Mrs Vaqueiro

Tuesday 17th November 2020 - Work for Children in Self-Isolation

Good morning!

I hope you are still keeping safe and well at home. Here are the details of today's home learning challenges.  Resources for today's work can be found in the 3V Home Learning Resources Folder.  I have also uploaded the tasks onto Purple Mash, which we will be using as our main home learning platform.  Pupil login details are being sent home this week, but if you are unable to come into school because you are self-isolating, and would like the login details to be emailed across, please do contact the school office.


In maths, we will be recapping some of the multiplication work that you did in Year 2, using the 2x table.  This will ensure that you are ready to tackle the next step in Year 3.  Watch the White Rose video lesson here, and then have a go at completing the worksheet, which I have put in the Home Learning folder.  If you can't print at home, please write your work in your home learning book, but remember to number your answers so I can mark them!


In literacy we will be continuing our work on the information  text about our favourite book.  Today, we are focusing on the characters in the book.  Draw a sketch of the main characters in your book, and then write a summary of each one, answering the questions on the sheet (in the Home Learning folder) as you go.  Remember to write in full sentences!


At school, the ladies from Artbase will be supporting the children with work on their sketches of Mr and Mrs Twit.  Most people finished Mr Twit last week and will therefore be moving on to drawing his wife.  Here is a Video Tutorial to help you do the same thing at home!

As always, please get in touch with the office if you need any help or support, and I will contact you as soon as I am able to do so.  Please send any completed work in by email, so that I can mark it for you. I will update the blog again tomorrow with the next set of challenges.

Best wishes

Mrs Vaqueiro

Monday 16th November 2020 - Work for Children in Self-Isolation


I hope you are keeping safe and well at home.  Here are the activities that we have completed in school today.  You can find copies of the resources in the 3V Home Learning Folder.  You can print these at home if you have access to a printer, otherwise please complete the work as best you can in your home learning book.


In literacy, we have begun work on our information texts about our favourite books.  Have a look at my example text about Fantastic Mr Fox.  What do you notice about how the text is set out?

The key feature of an information text is that the facts are organised into subheaded paragraphs - so, for example, all the information about the characters in the book would be in a section headed 'Characters.'  This helps the reader to find information quickly.

Today, we have been writing a summary of the book as a whole, being careful not to give away too much information, especially about any plot twists at the end (we don't want to spoil the book for anyone!).  Focus on the following:

1.    Who - who is the main character in the book?

2.    What - what does the character do, or want to do, in the story?

3.    Where - where does the story take place?

4.    When - when does the story take place (roughly speaking)?

5.    How - how does the main character overcome his/her problem (without giving too much away)?

You don't need to write a huge amount for each part; a couple of sentences will do.  Then, put it all together to make your summary.


Today is Big Maths day!  Please complete the Beat That sheet within 60 seconds and have a go at the CLIC sheet.  If you cannot print these, please write the questions out in your book so I can work out which is which when I mark them.


It was Diwali over the weekend, and Hindus around the world have been celebrating this special time of year.  Find out a little about how Diwali is celebrated using the resources provided, and then design a diva lamp, explaining how and why these are used at Diwali time.

That's all for today; I will upload tomorrow's work in the morning.  Once you have completed your work for today, please send copies into the school office by email if you possibly can.  If you have any queries or need any support, please let school know and I will be in touch as soon as I can.

Best wishes

Mrs Vaqueiro

Big Writing - w/b Monday 16th November

Next week’s writing will focus on describing and discussing the children’s favourite books. 

Whilst there are some brilliant non-fiction books, we would like them to choose a fiction text for them to write about. It could be a book written recently, perhaps a David Walliams story, or a book written a while ago - we have noticed some children reading Enid Blyton and similar books. 

Our word of the week will be fascinating, and the writing will be structured around three paragraphs:

1. The characters in the story.

2. A summary of the plot.

3. Why is the book special to you? What do/did you enjoy about it?

It needs to be a book the children know really well, and it would be great if parents/carers could help them choose one.  Also it would be very helpful if you could:

· Bring the book into school on Monday and keep it in school throughout the week.

· Practise summarising the plot - was there a problem that needed solving? What did your favourite character do? Were there any funny moments?

· Discuss what the characters are like, and practise writing descriptions about them.

· Create a poster all about the favourite book—draw the characters, a scene from the story or maybe the front cover.

· Write a short paragraph explaining why the book was chosen - think carefully about why it was chosen over others.

Many thanks

Mrs Vaqueiro


Friday 13th November 2020 - Work for Children in Self-Isolation

Good morning!  

It's Friday and you have nearly completed a whole week of Home Learning!  Give yourself a pat on the back!

Here are your challenges for today - remember to send in copies of your work by emailing the school office if you possibly can.


It's Friday, so we will be completing our Big Writing - a letter to Mr Twit. This week, we will be focusing on:

  • Using ambitious vocabulary to describe Mr Twit, including our word of the week, astonishingly
  • Using a variety of openers to enhance our writing 
  • Setting out a letter accurately
Find a quiet spot at home, read through my example letter in the 3V Home Learning Resources Folder, and see whether there are any ideas you could steal to help improve your own work.  Then settle down and try to complete your Big Writing.  You could listen to some gentle music as you write, just as we would in school.  When you've finished, remember to check through and edit your work if necessary.

Please also practise your spellings today.  When my own children were little, they used to like to find different ways of practising their spellings.  Why not write out your spellings in bubble writing, or using different coloured pens and pencils?

Finally, remember to spend at least 15 minutes reading your book today.  Can you summarise what you have read?  What do you think will happen next?


For maths, please see the White Rose video for today's lesson on Multiplication and complete the activities which relate to that lesson - as always, the resources are in the 3V folder.


In Humanities, we will be continuing our studies of Volcanoes.We will be looking at and labeling a cross section of a volcano, and learning about the Pacific Ring of Fire. There is a video lesson online here to help you with your learning, and I have also put my lesson resources in the 3V folder.  If you don't have a printer at home, you might find it tricky to complete the written map work questions. Instead, use online resources to research the locations of the various volcanoes and see if you can spot where they are in the Ring of Fire.  Even without a printer, you should be able to complete a labelled cross section of a volcano by copying the diagram in your book.

That's all for this week - stay safe, and have a relaxing weekend!

Mrs Vaqueiro

Thursday 12th November 2020 - Work for Children in Self-Isolation

Good morning!

I hope you are keeping safe and well at home.  Here are your challenges for today:


We are continuing with the White Rose videos today as we carry on with our new topic of Multiplication.  The activity sheet is in the 3V Home Learning Resources Folder - if you don't have a printer, you can simply write the answers in your book, but please remember to number them so I can mark them more easily.


Today we will be planning our Big Write - a letter to Mr Twit.  The planning sheet is in the resources folder, but our main focus today will be on the letter structure, and giving our own opinion of Mr Twit ('In my opinion, you are...').  You could also think of a question you could ask Mr Twit as the postscript (PS) to your letter.

For SPAG today, we will be revising apostrophes for contraction and singular possession.  There is an Oak academy video lesson to support your home learning here.


In our music lessons at school we are beginning to understand pulse and rhythm.  Although we are using glockenspiels in school to tap out our rhythms, you can follow along at home by just clapping hands and clicking your fingers.  There is an Oak Academy lesson which you can try here.

Finally, please spend at least 15 minutes reading the book of your choice today.  Perhaps you could write a book review when you have finished.  Would you recommend the book to others?

Best wishes,

Mrs Vaqueiro

The Story of Rama and Sita

As part of our RE studies this half term, Year 3 are learning all about Hinduism.

Today, we learnt a little about the Hindu celebration of Diwali. 

First of all, we had a class discussion about celebrations, and thought about all the ways in which we celebrate important events in the year.  Most of the children in the class celebrate birthdays and Christmas, and shared their experiences of decorating their homes, getting together with friends and family, and enjoying special foods and gifts.

We then watched a BBC clip about a Hindu family celebrating Diwali (you can watch it here).  The children spotted similarities between the Diwali celebrations and Christian celebrations.  The children knew that the Nativity story is central to Christmas, and we therefore read the  story of Rama and Sita, which is central to Diwali. 

Finally, the children watched a traditional puppet show of the Rama and Sita story, before acting out the story for themselves in small groups using paper cut outs.

Wednesday 11th November 2020 - Work for Children in Self-Isolation

Good morning!

I hope you are still keeping safe, well and sane at home. Self-isolation can be tough, so make sure you take some time to do something just for fun today!  School work is important, but so is your wellbeing, so make sure you are getting the balance right.  As always, if you need any help or support, please let the office know and I will be in touch after I've finished teaching for the day.

Here are your challenges for today:


We are continuing with the White Rose Multiplication Videos today, as their scheme of work reflects what we are learning in school.  There are activity sheets in the 3V Home Learning Folder as usual. 


Our work on the letter to Mr Twit also continues today.  Again, the lesson slides and resources are in the Home Learning Folder for you to use.  Today, we are refreshing our memories about how to set out a letter correctly, and drafting an opening paragraph. There is also a reading comprehension activity in the folder for you to complete.

As it's Wednesday, it's also the day of your spelling test!  Hopefully, parents and carers will be able to test you at home.  Your spellings for next week are in the folder for you to practise from tomorrow.


In RE, we are continuing our work on Hinduism.  Today, we will be reading the story of Rama and Sita, which is an important element of the Hindu festival of Diwali.  At Diwali, it is traditional for children to watch a puppet show telling the story of Rama and Sita, so we will be having a go at acting out the story with our own puppets in class.  You could watch a shadow puppet show of the story here to complement your learning, and perhaps make some paper puppets yourself so that you can perform the story for your family.

I hope you have a great day!

Mrs Vaqueiro

Tuesday 10th November 2020 - Work for Children in Self-Isolation

Good morning!

How did you get on with the work yesterday?  I hope you were able to get to grips with the various challenges.  Please do let me know via the office if you need any extra resources or support.  

Here are your challenges for today:


In Literacy, we will be continuing our work on Mr Twit.  I have put a copy of my lesson slides in the 3V Home Learning Folder and hope they will be reasonably self explanatory.  Today, we are focusing on using higher level conjunctions and beginning to think about what it might have been like to bump into Mr Twit in the park.  We will be setting the scene, so have a think about the details which will add extra impact to your letter.  What was the weather like on the day you met Mr Twit?  What were you doing in the park when you became aware of his malevolent presence?  What terrible things was he doing?  

There is also a reading comprehension in the folder for you to have a go at, at home.  Please also take the time to practise your spellings again ready for your test tomorrow (I am sure your parents and carers won't mind testing you at home!).


In maths, we will be starting our new topic of Multiplication.  There is a video lesson from White Rose which closely matches the learning we will be doing in school.  I have put the activity sheet which links to the video in the 3V folder.  Although some of you can't print at home, hopefully you will still be able to access the questions.


The ladies from Artbase will be in school this afternoon, ready to start our next project.  We are starting a portrait of Mr and Mrs Twit (hopefully you're not too fed up with him!) so here is a link to an online tutorial for you to try at home.

Stay safe and keep in touch!

Mrs Vaqueiro

Chocolate Rocks!

 In 3V this half term, we are learning all about rocks and soils.  We have been looking at the three different ways in which rocks are formed.

Igneous rocks are formed deep underground, where the temperature is extremely hot.  Pockets of magma (molten rock) form under the earth's surface.  When these cool and solidify, igneous rock is formed.

Sedimentary rock usually forms under the sea.  Layers of dust and grit become compacted over many thousands of years, eventually solidifying to create sedimentary rock.

Metamorphic rock is created when heat and pressure affect an existing rock to such an extent that its structure changes, creating a new type of rock.

We recreated these different processes using a very popular ingredient... chocolate!  

First, we broke a bar of delicious chocolate into pieces.  Mrs Sanders took it away to melt it carefully in the microwave.   This would be our igneous rock! 

Meanwhile, we layered several different chocolates and sweets in a baking dish.  These represented our sedimentary rock.  After the melted chocolate had been cooled and crumbled in (representing the erosion process that takes place over hundreds of years), it was taken away again to be heated in the oven.  The heat from the oven represented the metamorphic process.  

Once the dish was cool enough to handle safely, it was brought back into the classroom, where we looked at the changes that had occurred to our chocolate rock.

Finally, Mrs Vaqueiro broke the chocolate rock into bite-sized pieces for us to enjoy!

It was a delicious way to start the week!