Monday 9th November 2020 - Work for Children in Self-Isolation

Good morning!

I hope you are still keeping safe and well.  Thank you for keeping up with your home learning and sending your work in for me to look through. Here are the activities for your home learning today.


On Mondays, we have Big Maths, so I have put the resources that you will need in the 3V Home Learning Resources Folder.  In school, we have 60 seconds to complete the Beat That! sheet, so if possible, try to replicate that at home.  Once you've done your Beat That! sheet, have a go at completing your CLIC sheet.  I know that some of you don't have a printer, so you might need to copy the questions out in your book as you go along.  Hopefully, you can remember which CLIC sheet you normally complete in class and choose accordingly - if you need any help though, please do get in touch!


This week in school, we will be working towards our Big Writing which will be to write a letter to Mr Twit.  We are going to imagine that we have spotted Mr Twit up to no good in the park, and we are writing him a letter to tell him what we think of him!  

First things first though: we need to come up with some ambitious vocabulary to describe Mr Twit's personality and appearance, as well as practising using our word of the week, astonishingly.  Have a look through the lesson slides and try to put your ideas into sentences. Remember you will be writing the sentences as if addressing Mr Twit himself - so you'll need to use the second person ("I saw you in the park" rather than "I saw Mr Twit.")

In addition to your written work, please try to spend at least 15 minutes reading a book of your choice today, as well as practising your spellings.  Why not write them in a pyramid to make the practice more interesting?  As a reminder, this is how a spelling pyramid works...


In science this afternoon, we are going to be looking at how different rocks are formed.  There is an Oak Academy video resource which matches closely with the lesson that we will be doing in school, so you can watch it here and complete the suggested activities in the video lesson.  You won't need any special equipment for this lesson: just a pencil, paper and a ruler.

That's all for today - keep safe, and do please let me know if you need any extra resources or support for your home learning.

Mrs Vaqueiro

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