Wednesday 18th November 2020 - Work for Children in Self Isolation

Good morning!

I hope you are keeping safe and well at home.  Here are your challenges for today - resources can be found in the 3V Resources Drive as always.


Watch the lesson video here and then complete the worksheet.  If you don't have a printer, then write the answers in your book, but please make sure you number them so I can mark them!


We are continuing work on our Information Text about a favourite book.  Today, we will be giving our opinion of the book and explaining why we like it so much.  Try to include plenty of detail, without giving away the ending of your story.  For example, if I were writing about the Twits, I might say:

'The Twits is one of the funniest books I have ever read, and I would recommend it wholeheartedly to anyone who loves to read!  From the very first page, Roald Dahl makes you laugh out loud at his hilarious descriptions of Mr Twit's disgusting beard, and the outrageous pranks that he and his revolting wife play on each other. As the story continues, you long to find out whether Mr and Mrs Twit get the comeuppance they so richly deserve...'

Make a first draft of your paragraph, and then review and edit it.  Be honest with yourself - can you find any areas to improve?


For our science lesson, we will be learning about different kinds of rocks.  In school, we will be looking at the different kinds of rocks we can find all around us.  If you are well enough, and have access to a garden, you could have a look at any rocks and stones that you might find outside.  You should also complete this lesson from Oak Academy.  You will need to complete the work in your books - you won't need any special equipment other than your pencil, a ruler and your work book.

That's all for today.  Don't forget to send in photos or scans of any completed work, by email to the school office.  If you need any support or help, please do get in touch with me.

Best wishes

Mrs Vaqueiro

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