Hello everyone, and welcome to the second half of the summer term!
This is usually my favourite time of year in school - there is so much going on, the weather is usually glorious (and I am very good at finding excuses to take lessons outside when the sun is shining!), and we normally have some exciting day trips and sports events to look forward to. This year it's going to be rather different, but that's all the more reason to make sure we make the most of it.
I have updated the 3V Google Drive with your suggested home learning activities for this week - our topic this week is 'Around the World' and there are lots of different ideas for you to choose from. I have also included some extra literacy and maths resources for you, so you can keep brushing up your skills. Try to read every day if you can: it doesn't have to be a story book - you can read non-fiction books, or a newspaper or magazine. Why not find a shady spot to read outside or even build a reading den in the garden this week while the weather is so fine?
As you may know, children in Reception and Year 1 are allowed to come back into school from this week, so all the teachers will be spending more time in school from now on. This means that I might not be so quick to spot your emails and reply to them, so please don't think I'm ignoring you if it seems to be taking me ages to respond. It has been so lovely to hear from so many of you over the weeks!
Take care, and stay safe as always,
Mrs Vaqueiro