Wednesday 20th May

Good morning everyone!

It's going to be very warm today - I'm hoping to spend some time out in the garden before it gets too hot.  If you'd like to take your learning outside today, there are plenty of outdoor learning ideas in the Google Drive, but please remember not to overdo the sunshine!

It's Mental Health Week this week, and the theme for this year is Kindness.  We can all benefit from being kinder to one another - the quote above is one you might recognise, as it is in our classroom as a daily reminder that it is massively important to choose kindness in our responses to others whenever we can.  

We can show kindness in all sorts of ways - starting with a smile, an offer of help, or taking a deep breath and not snapping back when that would be the easiest response!  I've put a list of 'Random Acts of Kindness' in the Mindfulness folder - maybe you could choose one to try today?

Take care, and as always, try to be kind to one another.

Mrs Vaqueiro

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