Friday 12th June

Good morning everyone, and another happy Friday to you! 
You've just completed another week of home learning - well done!  Whether you've managed to complete all the challenges this week, or just had a go at something new, be proud of yourselves.  We find ourselves living through a most extraordinary time, and your commitment to home learning - whatever form it has taken - over these past weeks is a real achievement. Don't worry if you haven't been on top form every day; that's natural and normal - everyone has their ups and downs, and not every day is picture perfect.  Whenever I am feeling down, I try to think of at least three good things about the day - you can always find something positive to be grateful for, even if it is something very silly or small!

Looking back over the past few weeks of lockdown, see if you can think of some positive things that have happened.  Maybe you learnt a new skill, like cooking or gardening, or you found new ways to stay in touch with family and friends (I certainly would never have discovered video calls without lockdown, while both my children enjoyed writing and receiving letters through the post the old-fashioned way!) - or maybe you just enjoyed not having to get up early for school on a Monday morning!  I've put a reflection resource in the Google drive for you to use to help you focus your thoughts and ideas, if you would like to.

Have a wonderful, positive weekend, and I will be back on Monday with some new home learning suggestions for next week.

Take care,

Mrs Vaqueiro

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