Important Information for Parents and Carers

Dear Parents and Carers

As you know, school will be closing until further notice for most children with effect from Friday 20th March.  

It goes without saying that this is a strange and unsettling time for everyone, and our priority is for children and their families to keep safe and well.

At school, we have been working hard to create different resources for the children to access from home.  We will keep adding to these every week so that pupils can consolidate their learning so far in Year 3, and begin to build on their existing skills across the curriculum.  

The work for children in 3V can be accessed via a specific Google Drive, which is available on the link below.

Children who have been in school today have been provided with a Home Learning book in which to complete their work.  This will need to be brought back into school when we re-open.  Reading books have also been sent home - please do try to read with your children every day if you can, and encourage them to read independently while they are at home.  

Having said that, remember that not all learning comes from books!  This family time might be an opportunity for you to share family stories and memories, teach your children to cook or plant a garden.  There are also lots of free online resources which families can share - whether it's a virtual zoo or museum visit, or listening to an audiobook together.  Try to do something you enjoy every day!

Keep in touch if you can - I will leave this blog open for comments and I would love it if you would share photos and updates about your adventures while we are all away from school.  I will make sure to share photos of the things we are getting up to while you are away, to help us all remember that we are all still part of the same class, even while we are apart.

With all good wishes

Mrs Vaqueiro


  1. Hi Mrs Vaqueiro,

    Hope you are all ok? Can we have the log into to TT Rockstars please?


  2. Hello! Each of the children has their own personal login to TT Rockstars - I am not in school until Wednesday so I can't access them until then. If you can please email me via school I will send it to you when I get back to my desk. Hope all is OK with you.
